Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Bamboo Craft

At The Hub Jorhat, we believe in the power of skill development to transform lives. In collaboration with Bosco Institute and with support from the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), we are proud to introduce the Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) focused on bamboo and value-added products. This initiative is designed to empower 90 aspiring women entrepreneurs in the Jorhat district by providing them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and financial support to start their own bamboo-based businesses.

The Journey Begins: Awareness and Mobilization

Our journey began in November 2023 when our project proposal was accepted and sanctioned by NABARD. With this green light, we quickly mobilized to spread the word. Working closely with the Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) in Jorhat and community mobilizers known as Jeevika Sakhis, we organized awareness programs at five key locations, including community centers and Gaon Panchayat offices. Between December 23 and 30, 2023, over 180 women from Self-Help Groups (SHGs) attended these sessions, eager to learn more about the project.

During these awareness programs, we provided detailed information about the project and collected essential documents from interested participants. These included identity proofs, bank details, and SHG information. We also conducted mobilization drives within local SHG meetings to ensure that all interested women had the opportunity to register for the training program.

Training for Success: Building Skills in Bamboo Craft

Our training program kicked off in April 2024, with three batches of women undergoing a comprehensive 17-day training course. The first batch began on April 2, the second on May 6, and the third on June 6. Each batch of participants was immersed in both theoretical and practical aspects of bamboo crafting.

Under the expert guidance of Mr. R.K. Kalita, a scientist and Head of the Extension Division at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) in Jorhat, participants learned about the different varieties of bamboo, its preservation, and its various uses. They were trained in essential skills like cutting bamboo, using tools, sanding, polishing, and varnishing to create beautiful, durable products.

In addition to the hands-on training, participants attended sessions on entrepreneurship, marketing, and financial management, facilitated by experts like Mr. Pankaj Baruah from the Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta Innovation Park. We also brought in banking professionals, such as Mr. M. Buragohain, Branch Manager of The Assam Cooperative APEX Bank, to educate the women on credit linkage and the process of applying for loans to support their new businesses.

Exposure and Beyond: Broadening Horizons

To further enrich their learning experience, we organized an exposure visit to the ICFRE Rain Forest Research Institute in Jorhat. Here, participants explored advanced topics like bamboo charcoal, bamboo briquettes, bamboo pickles, and even bamboo structures and furniture. The sessions were led by Mrs. Runumi Borthakur, who shared her expertise and inspired the women to think creatively about the endless possibilities of bamboo.

The training program concluded with a display and exhibition of the finished products created by the participants. Although selling the products wasn’t initially planned, many of the women were able to make their first sales during this exhibition, marking the beginning of their entrepreneurial journeys.

Moving Forward: Credit Linkage and Market Support

The Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme is more than just training—it’s about empowering women to build sustainable businesses. To help them succeed, we are facilitating credit linkage with banks, enabling these women to purchase the necessary equipment and raw materials to start their own bamboo enterprises. We are also working to connect them with markets, identifying shops, wholesalers, and trade fairs where they can showcase and sell their products.

Already, three Joint Liability Groups have been formed with 15 women from the first two batches. These groups have set up their production units and have started making and selling bamboo items from their homes.

A Bright Future Ahead

As we move forward, The Hub Jorhat, in partnership with Bosco Institute and NABARD, is committed to supporting these women on their entrepreneurial journeys. With their newly acquired skills, financial support, and market connections, these women are well on their way to becoming successful entrepreneurs in bamboo value-added products.

We are incredibly proud of the 85 women who completed this rigorous training and look forward to seeing their businesses flourish. This project is a testament to the power of skill development, community support, and the resilience of women entrepreneurs in the Jorhat district.

Stay tuned for more updates on their progress as they continue to grow their businesses and make a positive impact on their communities!

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